Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00 PM | Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 NN
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00 PM | Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 NN
• participate in the Church’s mission and are committed to easing the plight of the vulnerable and marginalized
sectors of the Philippine society;
• are committed to assuring the integral human and Christian development of learners in all their uniqueness and
• are co-responsible for creating a culture and climate conducive to genuine learning and character formation;
• are stakeholders who work in association with one another in a strong spirit of fraternal solidarity; and
• are committed to continuous renewal and transformation in collaboration with others to accomplish their
common mission.
• strive to integrate Gospel perspectives and values in the conduct of their daily lives;
• are committed to excellence in order to be of greater service to God and country;
• take progressive responsibility for their own learning and development;
• express concern and compassion for the plight of the vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society and
respond to their needs; and
• work together creatively, constructively, and enthusiastically to support the Lasallian Mission.
• are genuinely committed to the integral human and Christian development of diverse types of learners through
personal witness and service;
• are attentive to learners in their uniqueness and seek to build appropriate relationships that promote total human
• are committed to life-long personal and professional improvement and service;
• work together creatively, constructively and enthusiastically both to realize the Lasallian Mission and to assure
the effectiveness and vitality of the institutions to which they belong; and
• serve as resources for the renewal of the Church and for the integral development of society.
• challenge learners to realize their full potential by promoting critical and creative thinking, self-knowledge and
• bring Christian perspectives and values to bear on human knowledge and culture;
• encourage synergy, collaboration and dialogue in an environment that is fraternal, hospitable and laden with
mutual respect;
• impel learners to translate their knowledge into actual practice for the betterment of society; and
• prepare learners for responsible participation in the world of work, the family, the community, the wider society
and the local Church.
Guided by these principles and together in faith and zeal, we aspire to create educational works of quality that will be “signs of God’s Kingdom and instruments of salvation” for the various individuals and groups who seek to realize the fullness of their dignity and humanity through education.