Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00 PM | Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 NN
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00 PM | Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 NN
To develop the spirit of faith, zeal for service and communion in mission (community) is one of DLS ASMC’s goals.
The spirit of faith flows from a relationship of communion with the triune God who wills to save all people by drawing into a life-giving communion with Him and with one another in the Lasallian tradition. The spirit of faith is a gift that allows one to: discover God’s active presence in His word, in men and women, in the poor, in nature, in history and in ourselves; judge and evaluate things in the light of the gospel; search for God’s will in order to carry out his saving plan; unite one’s actions to the on-going saving action of God in the world; and trust in God’s loving presence and providence when acting or discerning God’s will.
Zeal is the active expression of faith in gospel witness and service. It is oriented towards the integral salvation of persons, particularly the poor and the excluded. Zeal is the enthusiastic and total gift of self for the sale of the mission expressed in such qualities as gratuity and generosity, creativity and fortitude, compassion and commitment. It involves a preferential concern for the poor and the vulnerable. The desire to be of greater service to others’ conditions, the quest for excellence and continuous self-improvement.
Communion recalls the dynamic of association by which the first Brothers bonded together for the sake of the particular mission entrusted to them by God. Communion has four dimensions. As a relationship with God, it is the source of all mission and ministry; as a way of accomplishing mission, it suggests the solidarity and collaboration that comes from sharing in one vision, one spirit and one mission; as a way of relating to others, it suggests openness to all persons and the desire to be brother or sister to all especially those in need; as a goal of mission, it suggests the unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and creation.
Source: Foundational Principles of Lasallian Formation